Fundação Dom Cabral


 Sustainability: : contemporary consumer behavior and brand management practices. <i>In:</i> ACADEMY OF MARKETING CONFERENCE, 2023.
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 Sustainability: : contemporary consumer behavior and brand management practices. <i>In:</i> ACADEMY OF MARKETING CONFERENCE, 2023.

2.023 [S.l.:s.n.], 2023 <b>Proceedings</b></b> [.....]<b>.   DAMÁZIO, Luciana Faluba;  SHIGAKI, Helena Belintani;  SOARES, João Luiz;  GONÇALVES, Carlos Alberto. Trabalho de evento Damázio, Luciana Faluba Professor TI Nacional Fundação Dom Cabral - FDC DAMÁZIO, Luciana Faluba;  SHIGAKI, Helena Belintani;  SOARES, João Luiz;  GONÇALVES, Carlos Alberto. This longitudinal study aims to understand how brands are dealing with sustainability issues, more
specifically with the validated constructs of the model (five constructs: cruelty-free, eco-friendly,
pressure from society, reference groups, access to information), and their relationship with three
brand-related constructs - brand credibility, brand image and perceived quality.
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