Fundação Dom Cabral


Urban goods deliveries in Brazil: what are the problems?. In: CITY LOGISTICS CONFERENCE, 2019. Dubrovnik, Croácia.
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Urban goods deliveries in Brazil: what are the problems?. In: CITY LOGISTICS CONFERENCE, 2019. Dubrovnik, Croácia.

2.019 Dubrovnik, Croácia: City Logistics, 2019. Proceedings [...].   NASCIMENTO, Carla de Oliveira Leite  et al. Trabalho de evento   NASCIMENTO, Carla de Oliveira Leite  et al. Change culture in the transportation planning process by integrating actors to
create an urban freight mobility plan that creates opportunities for the city In Brazil,
the challenge is create an urban freight mobility plan for four years (duration of one
political mandate), with simple solutions and, mainly, easy to implement
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