Fundação Dom Cabral


Project-based learning (PBL) applied to developing a production systems project in conjunction with factory design and layout (FDL) methodology . In: PAEE/ALE ( 28 FEB. - 02 MAR. / 2018, Brasilia).
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Project-based learning (PBL) applied to developing a production systems project in conjunction with factory design and layout (FDL) methodology . In: PAEE/ALE ( 28 FEB. - 02 MAR. / 2018, Brasilia).

2.018 Brasília: PAEE/ALE, 2018. Anais eletrônicos...   NEUMANN, Clovis;  AFFONSO NETO, Annibal;  RODRIGUES, Martha Maria Vera O. C. Trabalho de evento Neumann, Clovis NEUMANN, Clovis;  AFFONSO NETO, Annibal;  RODRIGUES, Martha Maria Vera O. C. One of the most complex problems for organizations is the design of configurations for their production systems. In these activities, planning and decision-making are broad in scope, involving corporate policies, and, therefore, long horizons and high degrees of risk and uncertainty. While it is widely accepted that undergraduate-level courses in production engineering need to be aligned with market demands, an absence of ntegration between market and classroom has been observed, due to the gap between industrial reality and the curricula taught in the vast majority of Brazilian higher educational institutions. The objective of this article is to present the methodology used in Project Based Learning (PBL),
developed for production engineering students at the University of Brasília. Utilizing the PBL approach, a Production Systems Project (PSP) was developed, applying Factory Design and Layout (FDL) methodology. At the conclusion of the project, the teams executed the “Production Systems Project” and evaluated the design and the learning process created. The joint use of these methodologies involves both long-term objectives and policies and serves as a guide for all structural decisions in this sector. It can be used as a differentiator in the training of our graduating students and increase companies’ competitiveness.
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