Fundação Dom Cabral


Reverse knowledge transfer as a strategy to innovate in an emerging market . In: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SOCIETY SPECIAL CONFERENCE (15-17 MARCH 2018, São Paulo).
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Reverse knowledge transfer as a strategy to innovate in an emerging market . In: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SOCIETY SPECIAL CONFERENCE (15-17 MARCH 2018, São Paulo).

2.018 Sao Paulo: Strategic Management Society, 2018 Anais eletrônicos...   BARAKAT, Lívia Lopes. Trabalho de evento Barakat, Lívia Lopes BARAKAT, Lívia Lopes. We develop a model to investigate mechanisms that facilitate international reverse knowledge flows and innovation in multinational corporations (MNCs) from a traditionally commodity-exporter emerging market, Brazil. Our model aims to test how adaptability and decentralization may increase parent MNCs absorptive capacity. We also explore the potential moderating role of cultural similarities on the relationship between absorptive capacity and innovation. We intend to test the proposed hypothesis with quantitative data of Brazilian multinationals. Inglês