Fundação Dom Cabral


Global report on business continuity planning and management (BCP/BCM): survey results.
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Global report on business continuity planning and management (BCP/BCM): survey results.

2.020 2020  39 p. IWANICZ-DROZDOWSKA, Malgorzata;  ROGGI, Oliviero;  ELLIOT, Viktor;   FUNDAÇÃO DOM CABRAL. Relatório de Pesquisa   IWANICZ-DROZDOWSKA, Malgorzata;  ROGGI, Oliviero;  ELLIOT, Viktor;   FUNDAÇÃO DOM CABRAL. In the last twenty years, ERM has gained relevance in business management and was put to test in many “tail” situations, starting from the SARS outbreaks in 2003 up to recent financial crises (subprime and sovereign debt crises) and regional pandemic. Notwithstanding the lesson learnt, prima facie this new, global pandemic seems to have caught us off guard. Against this background, our main research question is whether business continuity planning and management has reached a maturity so as to make a difference in extreme environments as the one we are experiencing nowadays, helping organizations to weather this perfect storm.To answer this question, we launched a global survey through digital channels during a period of major lockdown for many countries (April – May 2020). This report analyzes the results of the global survey from two main points of view. We present responses from a global perspective, by taking the entire sample into account and separately high-income (HI) and middle-income (MI) countries. Inglês Documento Eletrônico