Fundação Dom Cabral


The rise of brazilian multinationals: making the leap from regional heavyweights to true multinationals.
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The rise of brazilian multinationals: making the leap from regional heavyweights to true multinationals.

2.009 Rio de Janeiro:  Elsevier,   Belo Horizonte:  Fundação Dom Cabral,   2009.  276 p. RAMSEY, Jase Ryan (org.). Livro   RAMSEY, Jase Ryan (org.). The Rise of Brazilian MNEs ia an importante milestone in the recent story of the internationalization of emerging market companies. Its importance goes far beyond the mere academic curiosity that it generates. It also acts as an important catalyst for stimulating both the decision-making process of investing abroad and stronger presence of our companies already operating abroad. Inglês 334.726 R595 2009