Fundação Dom Cabral


Corporate Venturing at Telefônica Brasil: The Quest for Strategic Innovation.
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Corporate Venturing at Telefônica Brasil: The Quest for Strategic Innovation.

2.012 Nova Lima, MG:  Fundação Dom  Cabral,  2012.  (Cases FDC ;  CF1209). 8 p. OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  COZZI, Afonso Otávio;  PENIDO, Érika;  SOUZA,  Guilherme. Caso   OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  COZZI, Afonso Otávio;  PENIDO, Érika;  SOUZA,  Guilherme. The Telefonica Group is a market leader in Brazil, and a benchmark in the global telecom industry. The Group develops integrated operations in fixed and mobile telephony and cable television. In 2010, the Group earned revenues to the tune of R$36 billion, accounting for approximately 15% of the Group’s revenues worldwide. Inglês 1 005.342 C822.Ic 2012