Fundação Dom Cabral


 Network governance in action: : functions and practices to foster collaborative environments.
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 Network governance in action: : functions and practices to foster collaborative environments.

2.022  Administration & Society, v. 54, n. 3, p. 479-499, 2022.   WEGNER, Douglas;  VERSCHOORE, Jorge. Artigo Wegner, Douglas Professor TI Nacional Fundação Dom Cabral - FDC WEGNER, Douglas;  VERSCHOORE, Jorge. Collaborative networks attract the attention of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers as an alternative to solve complex problems. However, there are gaps regarding the day-to-day activities network leaders perform to foster collaborative environments. We propose a research framework for the micro-governance of collaborative networks by analyzing how contextual factors influence the use of governance functions and practices. Our study contributes to the nascent theory of network governance by proposing relationships among contextual factors, functions, and practices. We also offer insights for practitioners and policymakers who want to
improve the effectiveness of collaborative networks composed of public and private members.
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