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 Establishing a typology for productive intelligence: : a systematic literature mapping.
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 Establishing a typology for productive intelligence: : a systematic literature mapping.

2.022  Management Review Quarterly, v. 72, p. 789-822, 2022.   MARZALL, Luciana Fighera;  KACZAM, Fabíola <i>et al.</i> Artigo Marzall, Luciana Fighera MARZALL, Luciana Fighera;  KACZAM, Fabíola <i>et al.</i> This article presents a new typology called Productive Intelligence (PI) that identifies the individual and organizational factors that can impact workers' performance. To achieve the proposed objective, we use a Systematic Mapping of Literature (SLM) protocol, with robust analyzes, based on three bibliometric laws. The initial sample consisted of 13,564 articles published between 1960 and 2018, selecting 93 documents eligible to compose the textual corpus. The proposed typology was developed through the proposition of an analytical framework with the identification of four dimensions of analysis: (I) Human Behavior, (II) Competences, (III) Physical Resources and (VI) Organizational Objectives. The relationship between these four constructs constituted the new typology. This study shows a theoretical evolution on workers' performance, with the proposal of a tool that contributes to the construction of innovative standards to analyze the influence of diversified factors in organizations' work environment. This study brings an essential contribution to the literature in the context of the worker. It provides a theoretical-empirical basis for future studies aligned with the achievement of organizational objectives Inglês Solicite o PDF