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 University-industry-government partnership working on sustainable development goals in Brazil..
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 University-industry-government partnership working on sustainable development goals in Brazil..

2.022  International Journal Of Intellectual Property Management, United Kingdom, v. 12, n. 1, p. 42-63, 2022.   MASCARENHAS, Karen Louise;  MALVEZZI, Sigmar <i>et al.</i> Artigo Mascarenhas, Karen Louise MASCARENHAS, Karen Louise;  MALVEZZI, Sigmar <i>et al.</i> This paper aims to provide insights into the capabilities of a university of working cooperatively with the industry and the government, to promote the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and foster the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Through the case study of a Brazilian research centre, structured in a triple helix model (university-industry-government), the potential of this tripartite partnership is explored in the context of long-term timeframe research. The contribution of the research centre towards the SDGs is analysed through its main activities. It suggests that information and dissemination of knowledge about the impacts generated by research, business, policy and behaviour are fundamental means to kindle a new mentality aligned with the SDGs. Therefore, it indicates that the triple helix model may boost a faster and more efficient trajectory that embraces a broad spectrum from research to implementation, which enables more feasible contributions to the SDG targets. Inglês Documento eletrônico