Fundação Dom Cabral


Assessing the effectiveness of IPTEACES elearning framework in higher education: Fundação Dom Cabral - a Brazilian perspective.
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Assessing the effectiveness of IPTEACES elearning framework in higher education: Fundação Dom Cabral - a Brazilian perspective.

2.018  Online Journal Of Applied Knowledge Management, v.6, n. 2, 2018.   ALVIM, Flávia de Magalhães  et al. Artigo   ALVIM, Flávia de Magalhães  et al. E-learning’s quality has become an issue of increasing importance in both researchers’ and practitioners’ communities. Involvement, Preparation, Transmission, Exemplification, Application, Connection, Evaluation and Simulation (IPTEACES) is an e-learning framework, primarily developed through a pedagogical benchmarking. It addresses an assorted social-demography and geographically dispersed variety of attendees. Fundacão Dom Cabral (FDC) is a prestigious Brazilian business school with international standards and procedures. This study reports the application of the
IPTEACES e-learning framework in higher education in Fundação Dom Cabral’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) program. An experiment has been put into place to measure ‘quality’ through the assessment of the effectiveness of the e-learning program using IPTEACES e-learning framework, and more specifically, (i) to evaluate how the IPTEACES e-learning framework can promote students’ learning; (ii) to assess
its effectiveness and determine specific quality improvement measures’; and (iii) to evaluate how the IPTEACES e-learning framework enhances organizational learning approach for enhanced knowledge sharing. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were utilized to collect the data to address the research questions proposed in this study. Results showed that the application of the IPTEACES e-Learning framework to this new course has reached high effectiveness.