Fundação Dom Cabral


The revision of a Marketing course using a competency-based curriculum.
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The revision of a Marketing course using a competency-based curriculum.

2.017 Torún , The New Educational Review, v. 48, n. 2, p. 41-52, 2017.   DAMÁZIO, Luciana Faluba;  HANRIOT, Marcela. Artigo Damázio, Luciana Faluba DAMÁZIO, Luciana Faluba;  HANRIOT, Marcela. This paper presents the process of reviewing a lato sensu postgraduate course in marketing offered at a Brazilian business school. Changes were implemented to adapt the course to the job market demands. The results of the quantitative phase of the research showed that the course had many opportunities for improvement, especially regarding the course methodology. The results of the qualitative stage indicate an opportunity for improvement of the course contents by updating them and ensuring they adhere to professional practice. The redesign process of the course was based on the competency-based curriculum Português Documento eletrônico