Fundação Dom Cabral


Overtime elimination in road transportation of cargo and impact identification in fleet and people dimensioning.
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Overtime elimination in road transportation of cargo and impact identification in fleet and people dimensioning.

2.014  Business Management Dynamics, v.3, n.9, p. 31-43,  mar. 2014.   SANTOS, Derek Moreira dos;  TADEU, Hugo Ferreira Braga. Artigo Santos, Derek Moreira dos SANTOS, Derek Moreira dos;  TADEU, Hugo Ferreira Braga. Aiming at the elimitaion of overtime working hours in the road transportation of a major company belonging to the sector of beverages, this study was carried out, taking into account the impacts form dimensioning fleet and people during the period of january to july of 2013.Through bibliographical review and case study, the author developed a calculation spreadsheet, which is base upon the assets lifecycle logic, in order to reevaluate the company's data. Thus, one can notice that at eleiminating the overtime hours in road transportation of cargo, ther is a direct impact on the quantity of vhicles and people. The conclusion then is taht the vehicle fleet and, consequently, the number of people increased in 100, 11%when reevaluating the data, taking into account the overtime elimination. Inglês