Fundação Dom Cabral


Complementarity of innovation policies in brazilian industry: an econometric study.
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Complementarity of innovation policies in brazilian industry: an econometric study.

2.014 Rio de Janeiro, International Journal Of Production Economics, v. 158, p. 9-17, 2014.   RESENDE, Marcelo;  STRUBE, Eduardo;  ZEIDAN, Rodrigo Mariath. Artigo Resende, Marcelo RESENDE, Marcelo;  STRUBE, Eduardo;  ZEIDAN, Rodrigo Mariath. The paper aims to assess discrete complementarities in innovation policies in the context of brazilian industry in 2003. We focus on complementarity and substitutability tests for obstacles to innovation (in present application, lack of: finace sources, skilled personnel, cooperation opportunities, and information on technology or markets). The application based on the brazilian innovation survey (PINTC-IBGE, 2003. Pesquisa industrial de inovação tecnológica 2003. Retrieved october 23,2013, from avoids micro-aggregation of the data and explicitly considers sampling weights in teh econometric estimation. The analysis highlights the two phases of the innovation process in terms of the propensity and intensity of innovation. We find evidence that firms subject to inernational competition have higher propensity to innovate. We also present some evidence that foreign ownership may be a driver to the propensity of innovation when companies actually innovate in the host countries. The evidence, unlike previous results, is not totally lear-cut in terms of contrasts of the two phases. Nevertheless, we can detect some substitutability and complementarity  for specif pairs of obstacles  regarding the propensity to innovate, and some evidence of complementarities in obstacles when considering intensity of innovation. Evidence is suggestive and favors the adoption of more targeted incentive policies for innovation. Inglês