Fundação Dom Cabral


The game of brand management: a classroom game of competition simulating brand portifolio development across the consumer funnel.
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The game of brand management: a classroom game of competition simulating brand portifolio development across the consumer funnel.

2.016  Developments In Business Simulation And Experiential Learning, v. 43, 2016.   ALVES, Paulo Vicente dos Santos. Artigo Alves, Paulo Vicente dos Santos ALVES, Paulo Vicente dos Santos. Students (as vicarious employees) are introduced to an experiential exercise to help them learn about and understand the issues involved with “in” and “out” groups in organizations. The purpose of the exercise is to help them to break down the barriers in the workplace, to enable them to better understand the ethical dangers of “inside” groups and insider information, as well as to better understand their own membership in an “in” and/or “out” group. Participating in the exercise should help them better understand what impact being in an in-group or out-group will have on them in an organizational context. Inglês