Fundação Dom Cabral


Personal Values and Leadership Effectiveness.
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Personal Values and Leadership Effectiveness.

2.006 Slovakia, E-Leader Conference, 2006.   BRUNO, Léo;  LAY, Eduardo G. E. Artigo Bruno, Léo 1947- BRUNO, Léo;  LAY, Eduardo G. E. Many personal aspects will interact to determine the actions of a person in a leadership role. Perceptions, attitudes, motivations, personality, skills, knowledge, experience, confidence, and
commitment are a few of the variables which are important for understanding the behavior of people.
They are no less important for understanding the behavior of people at work, whether they are leaders
or not. However, this study will highlight what may well be the crucial and underlying determinant of
leaders’ behavior - values.
Inglês 005:316.46 B898p 2006