Fundação Dom Cabral


Social media in the business environment.
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Social media in the business environment.

2.011 Nova Lima, DOM: v.35, n.Special Issue , p. 94-102, ago. 2011.   ALVARENGA NETO, Rivadávia Correa Drummond de;  CHOO, Chun Wei;  SOUZA, Renato Rocha;  SAGOT, Roberto. Artigo Alvarenga Neto, Rivadávia Correa Drummond de ALVARENGA NETO, Rivadávia Correa Drummond de;  CHOO, Chun Wei;  SOUZA, Renato Rocha;  SAGOT, Roberto. "The authors explores the new look of "collective knowledge management" through the use of digital media and social processes in business." Português