Fundação Dom Cabral


Opportunities and challenges to innovate at the bottom of the pyramid.
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Opportunities and challenges to innovate at the bottom of the pyramid.

2.011 Nova Lima, DOM: v.35, n.Special Issue , p. 86-93, ago. 2011.   OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  WERNECK, Nisia Maria Duarte;  ROSSI, Anderson;  SAVAGET, Paulo. Artigo Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Arruda de 1956- OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  WERNECK, Nisia Maria Duarte;  ROSSI, Anderson;  SAVAGET, Paulo. "The authors show that understanding the sigularities of the new market at the bottom of the pyramid helps to cut down on risks and motivate companies to seek open innovation practices." Português