Fundação Dom Cabral


Innovation strategy at Fiat Automóveis.
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Innovation strategy at Fiat Automóveis.

2,012 Nova Lima, MG:  Fundação Dom  Cabral,  2012.  (Casos FDC ;  CF1203). 8 p. OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  SALUM, Fabian Ariel;  RENNÓ, Luísa. Case Study Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Arruda de 1956- OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  SALUM, Fabian Ariel;  RENNÓ, Luísa. An Italian company headquartered in Torino, Italy, Fiat landed in Brazil in 1976 and installed its plant in the city of Betim/MG. Their first car, an ethanol-fueled Model 147, was a great innovation at the time. Today, at 35, the Betim automaker is Fiat’s largest plant in the world, surpassing the company’s headquarters plant in size and production numbers. The plant is rated at 3,200 units per day, running three shifts around the clock, for a grand total of nearly 800,000 units. The plant sits on a 2.25 million-m2 tract of land and offers 25,000 job opportunities, both direct and indirect. Inglês 1 005.342 A773i.Pc 2012