Fundação Dom Cabral


Recognition of the theme “Social Responsibility” in higher education institutions. Analysis of undergraduate courses in business administration in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
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Recognition of the theme “Social Responsibility” in higher education institutions. Analysis of undergraduate courses in business administration in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

2,017 Rio de Janeiro, Cadernos EBAPE.BR, v. 15, n. special, p. 462-481, sept./2017.   SERAO, Luiz Antonio Jucá  et al. Article   SERAO, Luiz Antonio Jucá  et al. This paper aims to analyze the recognition of the theme “social responsibility” in undergraduate courses in Business Administration offered by higher education institutions (HEIs) in the State of Rio de Janeiro, from the viewpoint of course coordinators, students and student organizations that undertake social practices. A qualitative survey was conducted by applying 14 (fourteen) in-depth interviews with the coordinators, directors, professors and representatives of students social organizations. In addition, 15 (fifteen) questionnaires were completed by students who worked in the surveyed social organizations. The empirical results reveal that there is still a long way to go for Social Responsibility to be effectively included in the mandatory study program of the surveyed courses in Business Administration. In most cases, disciplines addressing social responsibility are optional (in private HEIs) or non-existent (in public HEI). Nevertheless, there is a notable increase in the number of students working in student organizations and engaged in social practices, which represent an opportunity for students to get work experience in the subject. However, this is still a small percentage, considering the amount of students registered on undergraduate courses in Business Administration. The findings also reveal that the main causes of this poor involvement of students in social entities are associated with bureaucracy as well as with the low recognition HEI give to social organizations. Inglês Documento eletrônico