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Data Optimization and The performance of Software: Concepts, Methods and Applications in Projects of Technological Innovation.
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Data Optimization and The performance of Software: Concepts, Methods and Applications in Projects of Technological Innovation.

2,015 INSInet Publications, Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences, 2015.   OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  SILVA, Jersone;  TADEU, Hugo Ferreira Braga. Article Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Arruda de 1956- OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  SILVA, Jersone;  TADEU, Hugo Ferreira Braga. In this article the main concepts and methods related to the data optimization and the performance of software are presented, taking into account the characteristics of the workloads and the architectures of the computational systems. Objective: Present the main concepts of software performance optimization, the relationship between methods and techniques of optimization and the software development process. Results:From the start of the software development process attention should be given to the architecture to be utilized and the consideration of the optimization of data performance. The main techniques and optimization methods are analysed, at different levels of abstraction, singling out among these those that are based on the suitability of the characteristics of the workloads for the architectural characteristics of the computational systems. Techniques and methods related to the optimization in the source codes, in the compiling process and in the executable codes are analysed. Finally, some real and practical examples of optimization of applications, with different computational demands and focused on the software performance and projects of technological innovation are given. Practical examples of optimization of software performance, considering applications with low and high computational demand are also considered. Among the examples we single out the optimization of a source code and of an executable code utilizing appropriate tools, whose objectives are applications in technological environments. Conclusion: Evidence regarding the level of improvement of performance reached with the application of the optimization methods and techniques utilized, the measurements of execution times made before and after the optimizations, in applications of the digital processing of images are presented as concluding aspects. Inglês Documento eletrônico