Fundação Dom Cabral
2A9FBC #ffffff

Business and Social Organizations Development Program

Support for the Jardim Canadá Neighborhood in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais,  Brazil

FDC develops a set of projects focused on education, management and social innovation in the Jardim Canadá neighborhood. The community is located next to FDC’s Aloysio Faria Campus in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais. The Business and Social Organizations Development Program stimulates the sustainable local development of Jardim Canadá and the region. In addition, the program promotes responsible management in business and community leaders. FDC has held the Program for three annual cycles. Each new edition incorporates participants from the previous program.​

Scope of the activities:​
  • ​​Raise business leaders’ awareness and understanding of sustainable local development and its potential contributions to their business.
  • Broaden the knowledge and practice of responsible management in the context of social organizations.
  • Promote the interaction between companies and social organizations,

The program has specific initiatives for companies and social organizations, including individual monitoring and group meetings. The enterprises participate in the following activities:

Social Organizations - Monthly Monitoring
  • Strategic planning
  • Resource mobilization
  • Monitoring and evaluation
​Collective Meetings
  • ​Conceptual leveling
  • Network integration
  • Results Presentation
  • Participation of large companies 
​Business - Monthly Monitoring​
  • Private social investment
  • Social circuit (company visits to social organizations)

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