Fundação Dom Cabral

Maurício Valadares

Maurício Castelo Branco Valadares
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Maurício Valadares

Maurício Castelo Branco Valadares

Mauricio Valadares is an adjunct professor at Fundação Dom Cabral and works for the areas of Strategy, Project Management, PAEX (Partners for Excellence Program) as a scientific advisor, and Risk Management and sponsorship of the PCS (Sustainable Growth Partnership Program). He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from Escola de Engenharia da UFMG, a Specialization Certificate in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto de Tecnologia da Aeronáutica – ITA, and a “Certificate of Achievement” in Management of Technical Information Centers from Martin Marieta (Orlando, Florida, USA). Mauricio also attended development programs in Management of Materials in Boucinhas e Campos (S. Paulo, SP), Quality Management in IBQN (Rio de Janeiro, RJ), Strategic Planning and Marketing Strategy and Planning in Case Consultores (S. Paulo, SP). Mauricio Valadares was a faculty member of the undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering at ITA (S. J. dos Campos, SP), undergraduate program in Engineering at FUMEC, teaching Quality Guarantee (Belo Horizonte, MG) and at Faculdade Newton de Paiva, teaching Introduction to Marketing. Prof. Mauricio Valadares managed the area of Technical Norms and Procedures and the PMO at EMBRAER, being the Spare Parts Manager, as well.  He was the Engineering Services Manager, Sales Superintendent and Engineering & Commercial Director at USIMINAS MECÂNICA (USIMEC - Belo Horizonte e Ipatinga, MG); Commercial Superintendent at MENDES JÚNIOR SIDERURGIA (Belo Horizonte, MG) and Marketing & Sales Superintendent at Grupo SANTA CASA de BH. Prof. Valadares was also a SEBRAE instructor. He is the author of the books “Planejamento Estratégico Empresarial -  Foco em Clientes e Pessoas” and “Planejamento como Fator de Sucesso” published by  QualityMark (Rio de Janeiro, RJ). He is a speaker at the Strategic Committee of the Board of directors (Hospital Felício Rocho, BH, MG).

