Fundação Dom Cabral


Pedro Mandelli Filho
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Pedro Mandelli Filho
Adjunct Professor

Prof. Mandelli holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from IMES – Instituto Municipal de Ensino Superior de São Caetano do Sul, in 1975 and Specialization Certificates from Darden School of Business - USA. He is an adjunct professor at Fundação Dom Cabral, for the areas of Organizational Models, Change Processes, Leadership and People Development in national and international programs. Prof. Mandelli works in design and mobilization of organizational changes, performance management and leadership. He is also a speaker on topics related to his area of expertise. Pedro Mandelli is a columnist for business magazines. He was a columnist for the magazine Você S/A, from 1997 and 2004 and is the author/co-author of the following books: Muito Além da Hierarquia; A Disciplina e a Arte da Gestão das Mudanças nas Organizações; Exercendo Liderança; Imaginando e Desenhando a Liderança; Vida e carreira - um equilíbrio possível?; Liderando para Alta performance; Exercendo Liderança e Imaginando e desenhando a Liderança.

