Fundação Dom Cabral


Luiz Carlos Ferreira de Carvalho
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Luiz Carlos Ferreira de Carvalho
Adjunct Professor

Professor Lical holds Masters’ Degrees in Business Administration from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC Minas and in Psychology from Universidade de São Paulo – USP,  and a Specialization Certificate in Human Resources Management from  Fundação João Pinheiro - FJP.  Lical is an Adjunct Professor of Strategy at Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC having worked on the strategic project for the following companies: Marcopolo, Embraco, Cofap, Eurofarma, Petroflex, PASA (health insurance program at Vale), Ripasa, Petrobras Serviços, CNI, Condor, Federação das Unimeds de MG, Odebrecht Angola, SDM (diamond mining company, a joint venture of Odebrecht and Angola government), VIX Logística and Plantar. He has also delivered in-company programs on strategy for ABB, Alcan, Aracruz Celulose, Banco do Brasil, Bunge, Cheminova, Citibank, Copasa, Cia. Siderúrgica de Tubarão, Dixie-Toga, Embraer, Esab, Lab Fleury, Hering, Klabin, Microsoft, Previ, Randon, Ray-O-Vac, Samarco, Santander, Sebrae-Nac, Sebrae-Ba, Telemar, Unimed-BH, Vale, among others. Professor Lical is a professor of strategy for the PDC (Member of the Board of Director Development Program) and PDA (Shareholder and Entrepreneurial Families Development Program) at FDC, and STC (Skills, Tools and Competencies). He was the creator of the Center for International Business at FDC, managing the Global Players program, a partnership for networked knowledge development embracing 15 large Brazilian international companies; creator of the Brazilian Companies Internationalization Ranking. At FDC, he also held the position of Director of Company Development (in charge of developing in-company programs). He was the partner-director of Zumble Comércio e Serviços – Organizational Learning, developing the strategic planning for Xerox Industrial, Promom Telecom, Gerdau Corporation, the project of organizational competencies development for Natura, and having taught in the Strategic Leadership Development Program at Editora Abril. Lical also held the position of International Executive Development Manager at Rhone-Poulenc, Rhodia headquarters in France, and Education and Development Manager at Rhodia in Brazil. 

