Fundação Dom Cabral


Antônio Evaristo Teixeira Lanzana
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Antônio Evaristo Teixeira Lanzana
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Antonio Evaristo Lanzana is a guest speaker and professor at Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC. He holds a Doctorate and a Master’s Degree in Economics from Universidade de São Paulo – USP. Professor Lanzana is a faculty member of the Economics Department at Universidade de São Paulo and at Economic Research Foundation Institute (FIPE) - USP. He is also a coordinator of MBA Programs at FIPE.  Antonio Evaristo Lanzana is the President of the Higher Council of Economics at the Trade Federation of the State of São Paulo – Fecomércio/SP and Member of the Committee for Economic Scenario Evaluation at the Trade Association of São Paulo. He is a former Lead Economist and Economic Consultant at FIESP – (Industry Federation of the State of São Paulo), a Consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Consultant at SEBRAE-SP and member of the Editorial Committee of the magazine “Estudos Econômicos”, at FIPE/USP. He is the author of the books “Economia Brasileira – Fundamentos e Atualidade” (Editora Atlas) and “Economia Brasileira – Da Estabilização Ao Crescimento” (Editora Atlas).

