Fundação Dom Cabral

Frederico Porto

Frederico Porto Theodoro
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Frederico Porto

Frederico Porto Theodoro
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Frederico Porto is a guest speaker at Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC. Medical doctor, Frederico is a specialist in Nutrology from the Brazilian Nutrology Association – ABRAN and in Psychiatry from Hospital das Clínicas – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. He is certified in Holacracy, in Developmental Coaching Intensive, by Dr. Susanne R. Cook-Greuter and in Polarity Management. Frederico Porto is a guest professor of Organizational Dynamics at Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV/SP, since 2002. He works for the consulting firm DBM Brasil, in the areas of: Quality of life and Career Thinking for outplacement clients, since 2006. Professor Frederico Porto is a consultant on Teambuilding, Career Thinking and Culture Change for companies such as Banco Santander, Vale, Natura, among others. Porto is a speaker on “Awareness” in companies such as: CVRD, RM Sistemas, Editora Abril, Metalcorte, Petrobras, Natura, among others, since 1998. He was a speaker on “Introduction to Ken Wilber’s Integral Psychology” at the Center for Psychosomatic and Hospital Psychology in the graduate program in Clinical Psychology at PUC São Paulo.

