Fundação Dom Cabral

Eustáquio Penido

Eustaquio Penido de Andrade
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Eustáquio Penido

Eustaquio Penido de Andrade
Adjunct Professor

Leadership/Human Resources Management
Eustaquio Penido deals in the areas of leadership, management with people, negotiation, conflict management and communication. He holds a Specialization Certificate in Business Administration from Fundação João Pinheiro / Columbia University and in Human Resources from UNA BH. Eustáquio holds Bachelor’s Degrees in Laws, Languages and Business Administration. He is an adjunct professor at Fundação Dom Cabral for the corporate partnership programs such as PAEX (Partners for Excellence), PDA (Shareholder and Business Family Development Program) and custom programs in organizations as ANVISA, TCU, ASSEMBLEIA DE MINAS, TRANSPETRO, EMBRAPA, BDMG, SICREDI, PIF PAF, MARTINS ATACADISTA, CNHI-Case New Holand Industrial, FIAT,  ANGLO GOLD, SOUZA CRUZ, VERACEL, Federação das Indústrias / SESI / SESC / SEBRAE, UNIVERSIDADE ESTÁCIO DE SÁ, EMERSON, GRUPO PÃO DE AÇUCAR, PETROBRAS, VOLVO, SAINT GOBAIN, among others.  Eustáquio has worked for USIMINAS, Siderúrgica Mendes Júnior, Mendes Junior Internacional and Construtora Mendes Júnior. He is also a speaker on the subjects related to his expertise.

