Fundação Dom Cabral

Claudimar Veiga

Claudimar Pereira da Veiga
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Claudimar Veiga

Claudimar Pereira da Veiga

Strategy; Marketing
Claudimar Veiga is a professor and researcher in the field of marketing at Fundação Dom Cabral. The aim of his field of work is to link research and professional practice in business administration, integrating the following themes: marketing, strategy, and healthcare management. He has a Ph.D. in Business Administration, with a special focus on marketing and strategy, and a Master’s Degree in Production and Systems Engineering, with an emphasis on marketing analytics (forecasting), from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. He is a professor of the Professional Master’s Degree Program in Administration at the FDC and has developed projects for several organizations, seeking connections with research that has managerial applicability in companies as well as involving multidisciplinarity between several Brazilian and international universities. Professor Veiga has published more than 100 articles in journals recognized by the Financial Times 50 (FT50), ABDC A, CABS 3, and QUALIS A, among others. He is an associate editor of BMC Health Services Research (Springer) and a member of the editorial board of Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Nature). He is the Theme Leader in Marketing (2022-2024) at the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration (ANPAD). He served as Head of the Department of General and Applied Administration and as an advisory member of the Social and Applied Sciences sector at UFPR. In addition to his academic experience, Professor Veiga has over 20 years of solid market experience in managerial positions in the areas of marketing, strategy, retail, and sales in leading companies in their segments, such as Nestlé, Dairy Partners Americas and Sadia.

