Português English
JUNE 2 - 4, 2016
June 2: Step Academic Meeting - Step members only | FERC Welcome Reception
June 3: Conference and Awards Dinner
June 4: Conference | Carrer Academy – Academy members only
Fundação Dom Cabral, Aloysio Faria Campus
Nova Lima (MG) – Brazil

Call for papers

Submission Deadline:
February 15th, 2016 (Foreign) - February 28th, 2016 (Residents in Brazil)

Notification of Acceptance:
March 15th, 2016

FERC is dedicated to developing a community of scholars interested in conducting research to further our understanding of family firms and creating usable knowledge in this field. The 2016 conference will focus on founder influence on family firms. Founders have a lasting influence on family firms. Founders directly and indirectly influence a firm’s culture, values, and other characteristics. Founders of family firms influence a firm through their leadership and their interaction with founding families. The lasting imprint of founders on the family firm manifests in a firm’s strategic choices and outcomes. Family firms in the second and later generations still mirror their founder’s style and leadership. As a result, founders indirectly influence the performance and survival of the family firm to second and later generations. Family firm founders have received little attention in family business research despite being a key source of a firm’s strategic choices and outcomes. We encourage participants of this conference and other family business researchers to further explore family firm founder’s influence (direct and indirect) on firm behavior, performance, and strategies, along with their influence on family’s behavior, dynamics, and involvement with the family firm.

This conference has three primary purposes:

  1. Explore founder’s direct and indirect influence on decision making, growth, and performance of second and later generation of family businesses.
  2. Clarify important family business issues related to founders and their heritage, such as succession, transgenerational ownership control, conflict, entrepreneurship and innovation, and other key issues.
  3. Provide opportunities for practitioners, family business leaders, professional advisors, and scholars to discuss the best strategies and practices to perpetuate (contain) positive (negative) manifestation of founder’s characteristics in family businesses.

The FERC 2016 Committee invites paper submissions on the theme “Founder Influence on Family Firms” and welcomes other research that can help us understand how family businesses operate, the challenges they face, and the advantages and uniqueness that they bring to the economy. Accepted papers will be presented in a poster format at the conference.

Submission Guidelines

Please follow the following format for submissions:

The following should be addressed in the abstract: Purpose of the project; Gap in the literature; Importance of addressing the gap; Manner in which this project addresses the gap in the literature; Methodology used in this research project; Summary of the results; Implications of the findings for research and practice

Further Information

For further information, please visit the conference website www.fdc.org.br/ferc or contact the Organizing Team: Conference Chair: Maria Teresa Roscoe, Fundação Dom Cabral (teroscoe@fdc.org.br); Academic Program Chair: Raj V. Mahto, University of New Mexico (rmahto@unm.edu); Spanish/Portuguese Submissions: Claudio Muller, Universidad de Chile, Chile (cmuller@fen.uchile.cl); Host Team at Fundação Dom Cabral: Ana Luisa Rodrigues (ana.rodrigues@fdc.org.br or ferc2016@fdc.org.br)

Event cost

Early Registration (April 30th, 2016):
$ 475.00

$ 525.00