Fundação Dom Cabral


Quality of working life and occupational stress: a brazilian perspective.
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Quality of working life and occupational stress: a brazilian perspective.

2,017  International Journal Of Business Management And Economic Research, v. 8, n. 5, p. 1016-1025, 2017.   CARVALHO, Janine Lopes;  DOMINGUES JUNIOR, Paulo Lourenço;  SANT'ANNA, Anderson de Souza. Article Carvalho, Janine Lopes CARVALHO, Janine Lopes;  DOMINGUES JUNIOR, Paulo Lourenço;  SANT'ANNA, Anderson de Souza. This paper refers to the themes: Quality of Working Life (QWL) and Occupational Stress, and it aims to propose an exploratory and bibliographical research carried out to investigate how those themes have been considered in an emerging economy such as Brazil. In this study, it was found that although there is a relationship between occupational stress and quality of working life, this is a field that still lacks studies and a deeper problematization. In Brazil, studies on QWL have been systematically expanded as the 1990s were marked by drastic changes in the country's economy due to its abrupt opening, which led to a productive restructuring and an increase in the competitiveness of companies. An incessant search for goals and results began, generating greater pressure on the work environment, which also resulted in a large number of work accidents, in addition to greater stress on the part of employees. Although there is evidence of the relationship between working conditions and diseases, there are still difficulties to actually understand and analyze this problem. The question proposed in this study is to verify if there is a relationship between quality of working life and occupational stress, and how we can, through the implementation of QWL, ease the stress in the workplace.  Key Português Documento eletrônico