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From employees to business owners: how did unlikely enterpreneurs make a career transition with the support of Nokia.
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From employees to business owners: how did unlikely enterpreneurs make a career transition with the support of Nokia.

2,016  DRUID Anniversary Conference, June 13-15, 2016.   BURCHARTH, Ana Luiza Lara de Araújo;  SMITH, Pernille;  FREDERIKSEN, Lars. Article Burcharth, Ana Luiza Lara de Araújo BURCHARTH, Ana Luiza Lara de Araújo;  SMITH, Pernille;  FREDERIKSEN, Lars. Can entrepreneurs be bred through giving people the right incentives and conditions? This question is of great interest by policy makers and entrepreneurship
researchers alike. In this paper we present a study of an entrepreneurship program initiated by the Finnish company Nokia, as they were forced to close down several R&D sites around the world due to a fatal corporate crisis. Nokia’s Bridge Program enabled laid-off employees to start up their own company under very favorable conditions. We investigate the transition from wage earners to entrepreneurs with focus on the psychological underpinnings and their effects on the transition. Drawing on the literature on organizational death, closure and job loss, our study identified three different patterns of transition to entrepreneurship which resulted in three archetypal types of entrepreneurs: 1) the “born entrepreneurs”, 2) the “low-hanging opportunity seeking entrepreneurs”, and 3) the “jump-start entrepreneurs”. Whereas the two first categories could be expected, the third type shows that despite hesitance to be self-employed, being uneasy with it, risk adverse, and having strong ties to the previous job, these entrepreneurs persevered in their entrepreneurial endeavor, and eventually became comfortable with their new career prospects as self-employed. We explain why and provide the theoretical and practical implications of our findings.