Fundação Dom Cabral

Massashi Morita

Massashi Morita
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Massashi Morita

Massashi Morita

Massashi Morita holds a Specialization Certificate in Corporate Strategy and Finance from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV/ SE. He is an adjunct professor and scientific advisor of PAEX – Partners for Excellence at Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC. His areas of interest and experience are Organizational Diagnoses, Operational Strategic Planning, Organizational Structure, Budgeting and Finance, Human Resources, Purchasing and Supply, Managerial Information Systems, Work Methods and Processes, and Corporate Management Systems. Morita held the positions of Executive Director at JTM Tecnologia de Informações Ltda., President Director at the Institute for Public Servants’ Health Promotion and Assistance in the State of Sergipe - IPESAÚDE,  President of the Institute of Social Welfare in the State of Sergipe – IPES, Administrative Director and Human Resources Director at Planejamento, Organização e Pesquisas Ltda. – PROJEL, Technical Assistant at the Commercial Federation of the State of Sergipe, Technical Director of the Data Processing Company of the State of Sergipe - PRODASE and Director of the  Informatics Department at the Treasury Secretariat of the State of Sergipe  – SEFAZ/SE.

