Fundação Dom Cabral

Hiroshi C. Ouchi

Carlos Hiroshi Côrtes Ouchi
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Hiroshi C. Ouchi

Carlos Hiroshi Côrtes Ouchi
Adjunct Professor

Strategy; Finance
Hiroshi C. Ouchi is a business administrator and works as a professor and consultant in Strategy and Finance, since the early 2000s. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from UFJF, and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from COPPEAD/UFRJ.  As an adjunct professor at Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC, Prof. Hiroshi works as a scientific advisor in strategy and finance at PAEX (Partners for Excellence) Program. He was a professor at UFJF, teaching for undergraduate and graduate programs. Prof. Hiroshi has developed and coordinated projects in the areas of strategy, business planning, governance, strategic management, processes, corporate finance and corporate sustainability in private, public and third sector organizations. In the private sector, he has developed projects in companies from different segments, with special focus on consultative engineering, sanitation, pulp and paper industry, oil & gas, technology, distribution, retail and health assistance. In the public sector he has developed planning projects for governments, having worked in specific areas such as economic development, sanitation, environment and agriculture. Besides that, Prof. Ouchi has led projects in institutions from the Sistema S (SENAC, SENAI), and in non-profit organizations.

