Fundação Dom Cabral


Uberaldo Teixeira Fernandes
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Uberaldo Teixeira Fernandes

Uberaldo Teixeira Fernandes deals in the area of corporate strategy, strategy deployment and, human and organizational development. He holds a Specialist Certificate in Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and an MBA in Corporate Management from Fundação Dom Cabral. Fernandes is an adjunct professor at FDC, having extensive experience in over 250 corporate projects such as UMV – Universidade Martins do Varejo, Havan and Dudalina. At a very young age, 28 years old, he was the CEO of a family business with annual revenue of 30 MM dollars. For over 10 years Fernandes dealt with 5 family businesses, learning about their problems and peculiarities. He has also learned how to deal with the ‘loneliness of power’, what frequently bothers leading corporate executives. He is a member of the board, especially for family businesses, working actively in the consultative committees and board of directors. He has already developed more than 10,000 hours of coaching, mentoring, career planning with numerous directors, presidents, managers and successors, in the last 20 years. His area of research interest is Corporate Governance with deep knowledge of corporate laws and governance best practices according to the Brazilian Institute for Corporate Governance (IBGC). Lecturer and author of articles on Corporate Management, with special focus on the article “Afinal de contas, o que é pensamento estratégico?”. Currently, his main interest is in building value and wealth generation models for organizations and clients.

