Fundação Dom Cabral

Carlos Arruda

Carlos Alberto Arruda de Oliveira
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Carlos Arruda

Carlos Alberto Arruda de Oliveira
Adjunct Professor

Strategy; Innovation / Entrepreneurship
Carlos Arruda is an adjunct professor at Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC of Innovation and Competitiveness. Former full time professor and director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at FDC, 2001-2021. Professor Arruda holds a Ph.D. in International Business from the University of Bradford (UK) and a M.Sc. in Business and Administration from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil). He teaches management of innovation and global competitiveness in open enrolment and custom programs. Arruda has already developed programs for organizations such as Rhodia, Halma, Petrobras, Química Amparo, Itaú Unibanco, Sebrae MG, among others. At FDC Carlos Arruda has held the positions of Associate Dean for Corporate Partnerships, Executive Director of the International Advisory Council, Director of Finance, Associate Dean of Development, Director of the Executive MBA program, and Coordinator of the Center for Internationalization and Competitiveness. Professor Arruda is a member of the board of Biominas Foundation (Brazil), and he is also a member of advisory committees at AEVO Technology Fundepar and Embrapa Instrumentação (Brazil). Professor Arruda is Emeritus Chairman of the board of directors of UNICON (USA) and a former member of the Global Council on Talent and Diversity (Switzerland). He was also a superior officer at the Development and Corporate Support Division of the International Trade Centre UNCTAD/ITC (Switzerland). Arruda is the author and co-author of numerous publications in Brazil and abroad.

