Fundação Dom Cabral


Gerson Luiz Baffini
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Gerson Luiz Baffini
Adjunct Professor

Strategy; Supply Chain Management
Gerson Baffini is an Adjunct Professor for the areas of Strategy and Processes at Fundação Dom Cabral. He holds Specialization Certificates in Politics and Strategy from Universidade de São Paulo (2003), and in Business Administration (1995), and a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Chemistry (1992). A speaker and professor, Baffini works as Scientific Advisor for PAEX (Partners for Excellence) and Guest Professor at the custom programs at FDC. As a consultant, Baffini has developed projects in organizations such as Amazonas State Government, Editora Globo, Bridgestone-Firestone, Suframa, SKF, Purina, LBV, Cargill, Cyrella, DirecTV, Guinnes UDV, Gráfica Melhoramentos, Even, among others. He was a faculty member and lecturer at institutions such as HSM, Sebrae-SP, FECOMÉRCIO and several trade unions. Gerson Baffini is vice-president of SOPEC – Sao Paulo Society for Education and Culture (2011- Present), was the general coordinator for LIV (54th) and LV (55th) Continuing Education Program in Politics and Strategy at the Association of War College Graduates - SP (2011 – 2012) and was awarded with the Medal “The Patriarch of Independence José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva” granted by the Retired Officials Training Center in São Paulo (2012). Among his main publications are: Desmistificando o Kanban (copyright Sebrae-SP) – 1996; Manutenção Organizada na Pequena Empresa (copyright Sebrae-SP) -  1997; Curso como Montar o Processo de Produção da Empresa (copyright Sebrae-SP) -  1998.

