Fundação Dom Cabral

Anderson Mota

Anderson Moura Vale Mota
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Anderson Mota

Anderson Moura Vale Mota
Adjunct Professor

Strategy; Operations Management and Logistics
Anderson Mota is an adjunct professor for the areas of Finance, Project Management, Operations and Logistics at FDC.  Anderson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economic Sciences from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais and a Specialization Certificate in Finance and Investment Analysis from Centro Sócio-econômico da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. At FDC, Prof. Mota teaches for PAEX (Partners for Excellence), specialization and custom programs. He was the Coordinator of the Executive Programs at IBMEC and a faculty member at IBMEC, PUC MG and UMA. He has already taught at the University of Exeter (UK) as a guest professor and made presentations at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). Prof. Mota has held executive positions at Shell Petróleo, FANAP, CONSAB and IOFMG.He is the author of the book Estratégia Competitiva, published by IESDE Brasil S.A. and has numerous articles published in academic journals. 

