Fundação Dom Cabral


 The value of choices: : a business model approach to value . <i>In:</i> ENCONTRO NACIONAL DA ANPAD - ENANPAD 42., Curitiba, 03-06 de outubro, 2018.
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 The value of choices: : a business model approach to value . <i>In:</i> ENCONTRO NACIONAL DA ANPAD - ENANPAD 42., Curitiba, 03-06 de outubro, 2018.

2.018 Curitiba, PR: ANPAD, 2018 <b>Anais</b></b> [.....]<b>.   SALUM, Fabian Ariel;  COLETA, Karina Andrea Pereira Garcia;  LOPES, Humberto Elias Garcia. Trabalho de evento Salum, Fabian Ariel SALUM, Fabian Ariel;  COLETA, Karina Andrea Pereira Garcia;  LOPES, Humberto Elias Garcia. The business models may be conveyed as narratives or as frameworks. This article is concerned with the second option and explores the instrumental character of the concept. Scholars and practitioners have proposed different frameworks to make business model representation easier. However, more information is still required to understand their applicability, especially concerning the value perspective (Massa, Tucci & Afuah, 2017). This article focus on three of them: the Choices/Consequences (Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart, 2007), the RCOV (Demil & Lecocq, 2010), and the Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2011). The objective is threefold: (1) providing a comparative analysis; (2) discussing their design in the light of the value creation concept; (3) synthesising a new structure which contemplates their core elements, goes beyond their limitations, and constitutes an alternative and useful tool to both practical and academic use. The new framework is called (the) value of choice?s (VoC). It points out - but is not limited to - the value offering architecture and enables strategic analysts to keep the focus on a broad range of value outcomes: created value, appropriated value, generative value, and distributed value. The case of the Brazilian start-up In Loco Media illustrates this proposition. Inglês