Fundação Dom Cabral


Business model in dynamic environment . In: ENCONTRO DA ANPAD (2017, 01-04 outubro, São Paulo, SP).
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Business model in dynamic environment . In: ENCONTRO DA ANPAD (2017, 01-04 outubro, São Paulo, SP).

2.017 São Paulo: ANPAD, 2017 Anais eletrônicos...   FERNANDES, Bruno Henrique Rocha;  SARTORI, Rodrigo Vinícius;  FURBRINGER, Gracyele Veneza. Trabalho de evento Fernandes, Bruno Henrique Rocha FERNANDES, Bruno Henrique Rocha;  SARTORI, Rodrigo Vinícius;  FURBRINGER, Gracyele Veneza. The study's goal is to propose an analytical framework to support strategy process understanding in a dynamic competitive context, characterized by disruptive changes in technology and business dimensions. The proposed framework encompasses traditional business models' dimensions like Customer Value Proposition, Key Resources, Key Process, Profit Formula but also Disruptive Change Factors. The framework was applied in GVT's case, former Brazilian telecom company. This qualitative case study is based on 35 semi-structured interviews, including GVT top management team. Data analysis was made by content analysis and documentation. As outcome, key drivers were identified for potentially disruptive changes and their implications on company successful business model. Among main findings, the framework proved to be useful in understanding BM in dynamic environment. Inglês Documento eletrônico