Fundação Dom Cabral


Infrastructure, competitiveness and determinants of private investment in the Brazilian context.
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Infrastructure, competitiveness and determinants of private investment in the Brazilian context.

2.012 Nova Lima, MG:  FDC Núcleo de Inovação,  2012.  (Caderno de Ideias ;  CI1214). 12 p. OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  TADEU, Hugo Ferreira Braga;  SILVA, Jersone Tasso Moreira;  BERGER, Daniel.   FUNDAÇÃO DOM CABRAL Núcleo de Inovação e Empreendedorismo. Caderno de Ideias   OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  TADEU, Hugo Ferreira Braga;  SILVA, Jersone Tasso Moreira;  BERGER, Daniel.   FUNDAÇÃO DOM CABRAL Núcleo de Inovação e Empreendedorismo. The goal of this article is the evaluation of the infrastructure  segment, the investments relative to GDP, the major competitiveness indicators and the long-term expectations regarding private investments. Português 005.342 I43i 2012