Fundação Dom Cabral


Tacit collusion under imperfect monitoring in the canadian manufacturing industry: an empirical study.
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Tacit collusion under imperfect monitoring in the canadian manufacturing industry: an empirical study.

2.015  Cesifo Working Paper, n. 3623, p. 2-18, oct./2011.   RESENDE, Marcelo;  ZEIDAN, Rodrigo Mariath. Artigo Resende, Marcelo RESENDE, Marcelo;  ZEIDAN, Rodrigo Mariath. The paper undertakes a cross-sectoral analysis of a salient empirical implication of the model of tacit collusion advanced by Abreu et al (1986). Specifically, the prevalence of a first order Markovian process for alternating between price wars and collusive periods is assessed by means of non-parametric tests. The analysis focuses on 30 different industries in Canada. The evidence provides weak support for optimal collusion in one industry, which is consistent with the idea that such collusive arrangements are unusual. Inglês Documento eletrônico