Fundação Dom Cabral


Seven things to learn about succession in organisations.
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Seven things to learn about succession in organisations.

  Brussels, Global Focus : v.12, issue 2, p. 64-67, 2018.   ALMEIDA, Emerson de  et al. Artigo   ALMEIDA, Emerson de  et al. Succession as it really is: from feelings to political games in organisations is the title of a book prepared by the co-founder, professors and managers of Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC),  a world-class Brazilian business school. The book is the product of a four-year research project that analysed succession experiences and practices in several organisations both in Brazil and abroad. The study included succession cases both in companies and in FDC itself. These organisations are at different levels of succession development and represent unique experiences. Why do founders and executives not promote awareness about succession? What challenges are specific to this process? How can you conduct a peaceful and harmonious succession? This article presents seven important things to learn about succession in organisations that may help answer these questions. Português 05