Fundação Dom Cabral


Dynamic entry and exit linkages in the Brazilian Manufacturing industry: an econometric investigation.
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Dynamic entry and exit linkages in the Brazilian Manufacturing industry: an econometric investigation.

2.015  International Journal Of The Economics Of Business, v.22, n.3, 2015.   RESENDE, Marcelo;  ZEIDAN, Rodrigo Mariath. Artigo Resende, Marcelo RESENDE, Marcelo;  ZEIDAN, Rodrigo Mariath. The paper investigates dynamic linkages between entry and exit rates in Brazilian manufacturing in the context of 231 (four-digit) industries during the 1996–2005 period. The empirical analysis focuses on the estimation of a dynamic panel data model for entry and exit rates, and controls for the business cycle and structural characteristics, such as industrial concentration and suboptimal scale. The empirical evidence is partially consistent with a multiplier effect where synergetic factors prevail by exit inducing exit. Evidence partially supports a competition effect that could be related to a selection process favoring efficiency, as exit induces entry. The business cycle control variable and the aforementioned structural variables appear to play no role in delineating entry and exit linkages. The results are similar, although not identical, to previous evidence for developed countries. Inglês 330 R433d 2015