Fundação Dom Cabral


Towards a social construction of competitive advantages in the brazialian beef cattle: an approach of local agro-alimentary systems.
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Towards a social construction of competitive advantages in the brazialian beef cattle: an approach of local agro-alimentary systems.

2,014  Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences, v.8, n.7, p. 423-433, may 2014.   MALAFAIA, Guilherme Cunha  et al. Article   MALAFAIA, Guilherme Cunha  et al. Background: Due to its heterogeneous resources, the peculiarity of a certain Region or
Country provides specific attributes to a product (quality), possibly generating
competitive advantages. Consequently, the definition of these attributes supposes the
existence of coordination between a large number of agents in which the negotiation of
rules and norms define the social construction of competitive advantages. Objective:
The article aims to identify how the coordination of strategic territorial assets
established by the Producers Association in the beef cattle production chain in Rio
Grande do Sul has contributed for the social construction of competitive advantages.
The research comprises a case study, with the application of in-depth interviews with
members of the Association. Results: The results point out that a local agro-alimentary
system can be considered more or less articulate depending on which quality
conventions – or combination of conventions – are present throughout the system.
These dynamics are linked to the legitimacy of its governance forms, or in other words,
the acceptance of the firm’s resource organization models and the coordination of interfirm
resources. The specificity of the product therefore derives from the variety of ways
the strategic territorial assets are coordinated. Conclusion: We conclude that a SIAL
can be considered more or less articulate depending on which quality conventions – or
combinations of conventions – are present. These dynamics would be connected to the
legitimacy of the SIAL’s forms of governance, in other words, the acceptance of the
firm’s resource organization models and the coordination of inter-firm resources. Each
of these forms of coordination refers to different principles to determine the nature of
the products (quality). The product’s specificity derives therefore from the execution of
the variety of forms of coordinating the STA.