Fundação Dom Cabral


Osvino Pinto de Souza Filho
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Osvino Pinto de Souza Filho
Adjunct Professor

Leadership/Human Resources Management
Osvino is an adjunct professor of Organizational Behavior and Development, and is also an Executive Coach at FDC – Fundação Dom Cabral. He is a former full-time professor and project manager of FDC. Osvino holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering (emphasis on electronics) from INATEL – Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações, and is a specialist in Organizational Consulting and People Strategic Management. He held executive and managerial positions at AÇOMINAS – Aço Minas Gerais S.A. and was a guest professor at Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa do Hospital Sírio-Libanês, at FACE – Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Econômicas, UFMG, at Faculdades Metodistas Integradas Isabel Hendrix and at the undergraduate program in Electrical Engineering (emphasis on electronics) at INATEL. He was the technical reviser of the book “Emoções Tóxicas no Trabalho” authored by Professor Peter Frost and collaborator of the magazine Revista Diagnóstico.

