Fundação Dom Cabral


Productivity in Latin America: the behavior of institutional and educational indicators in seven Latin American countries.
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Productivity in Latin America: the behavior of institutional and educational indicators in seven Latin American countries.

2.012 Rio de Janeiro, 2012 BALAS Proceedings: 2012.   OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  MADSEN, Fabiana Alves Gualberto;  ARAÚJO, Marina da Silva Borges. Artigo Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Arruda de 1956- OLIVEIRA, Carlos Alberto Arruda de;  MADSEN, Fabiana Alves Gualberto;  ARAÚJO, Marina da Silva Borges. This paper seeks to identify the main educational and institutional elements affecting productivity in an ensemble of seven Latin American countries and also the specificities of each country, to wit, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela. We deployed principal component multivariate analysis technique for this purpose. Educational result indicated that professionals are acquiring the backgrounds essential to the needs of a competitive economy within the companies and not from the formal educational system, which seems to be a regional profile trait. Institutional result pinpoints the importance of government-adopted measures and regulatory framework quality as fundamental elements for productivity improvement. Inglês 005(8=6) B979t 2012 CDR